North Shore Aero Clubs Young Eagles
Have you ever felt that inner excitement when you see an airplane roar overhead? Have you ever wished you were in the pilot’s seat?
Whether you are interested in aviation as a career or just for fun, the Young Eagles programme could be the starting point for your lifelong aviation adventure.
We run Young Eagles programmes, under the auspices of Flying NZ, to foster and give young people the opportunity to have flying and aviation-related experiences. Through this programme, we hope to let young people find out just how many exciting opportunities and careers exist for motivated people in the wide field of aviation.

In 2025 we are changing the format for the Young Eagles and will run it as a school holiday programme. We also decided to make two slightly different programmes which will serve different purposes. The first programme will be for kids 14-17 years old who are only starting to make their first steps in the aviation industry and would like to know more about it. The second intake will be for the kids in their Year 13(last school year) and will focus on preparing kids for a professional career, this programme will be also run under Auckland International Pilot Academy supervision.
Both programmes will run during the school term breaks, to view the schedule please click on the links below:

As a Young Eagles programme member, you will get the opportunity to experience flying for yourself. You will have the opportunity to take the controls of an aircraft, experience how an aircraft works, and look down on the world below from the big blue sky above. The successful applicants will receive 4 x half-hour, sponsored, hands-on flights with qualified North Shore Aero Club or Auckland International Pilot Academy flight instructors, as well as going on trips to the Whenuapai Air Force Base, Auckland International Airport tower and Oceanic Control Centre, NZ Warbirds based at Ardmore and other aviation experiences.

We want to ask for 14 – 18-year-old young people who would like to participate in the Young Eagles programme to apply on the registration form. From the applications received, a shortlist will be chosen and requested to attend an online interview. We will choose 10 students to participate in each programme. At the end of the programme, the Young Eagles will have the opportunity to compete for one of 7 annual Flying NZ scholarships worth up to $3500 to continue their flight training. Next year we will also have our own scholarship programme that will be announced next year.
Both programmes are heavily subsidised by North Shore Aero Club and Auckland International Pilot Academy, but a small fee to cover admin costs is still required:
- $500.00 per participant for the NSAC programme
- $600.00 per participant for the AIPA programme
- Aviation theory lessons,
- 4 x half-hour trial flights with qualified flight instructors,
- aviation-related experiences and trips,
- fellowship with other aviators.

- have experienced a trial flight at the North Shore Aero Club,
- be aged 14 – 18yrs old,
- have excellent hearing,
- be of good health to the standard of the CAA Class 2 medical examination,
- be physically capable of controlling an aircraft,
- not have had any flight training,
- not be the son or daughter of NSAC member.
Applications for the Young Eagles 2025 programmes are now closed.
This year we received 59 applications, of which we will select only 20 candidates. The results will be announced within the next 2 weeks.
The Application form will remain active so in case you have missed this year programme you can apply for Young Eagles 2026.