You Fly ‘Cessna’ 60min Trial Flight



A unique experience you will remember for life.

Completing a You Fly Trial Flight will divide your life into before and after.

Whether you’re buying it for yourself or as a gift – adrenaline and high endorphin levels are guaranteed throughout the whole flight!

You Fly CESSNA Trial Flight will also allow you to join the flight (or take one or two family members together with you)  and share the excitement of having sole control of an aircraft for the first time.

A 60-minute flight is more than enough time to fly the aircraft over the rugged west coast, around Auckland CBD, past Waiheke Island, and back via Rangitoto Island.

If you have ever wondered about learning how to fly, a You Fly Trial Flight is the ideal way to get started on your path towards gaining a pilot licence and the freedom of flight!

PLEASE NOTE: The passengers you are able to take with you on your You Fly ‘Cessna’ Trial Flight must be either your close relatives or your spouse/partner.


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