South Island Trip 2019
The South Island Trip is our annual adventure south for everyone from pre-PPL to CPL and above. Typically lasting just over a week, it is usually held in the last week of August. The trip starts at North Shore before the convoy of aircraft moves South and once in the South Island, a few different overnight locations are visited either side of spending some time centralized in Queenstown or Wanaka where pilots can enjoy Day Trip options to various destinations or take a day or two off to enjoy what our amazing country has to offer.
For newer pilots it provides an excellent learning opportunity in an environment far different to that around North Shore. For those who have been flying a while it provides a great escape and a chance to share your knowledge or provide you with a new experience.
The Aero Club always sends an array of experienced instructors so that a safe and fun environment is ensured for the trip.
If you are interested on coming on the next South Island Trip, please contact us to register your interest.