IFR Instruments and Navigation Aids
Controlling and navigating the aircraft with sole reference to instruments requires the pilot to have a complete understanding of how Instruments and Navigation work, their displays and potential failures.
During the course, we will do this by building upon your technical knowledge of Aircraft Pressure, Gyro and Compass instruments. We will also introduce you to Navigation Instruments such as the GPS, VOR, DME and ADF.
As the majority of IFR flying throughout New Zealand is within Controlled Airspace it is also important to learn the principles of ADSB and Surveillance Radar.
PRICE – $599
NOTE that After Pay and Lay Buy payment options are not available for this course.
This night course will be running from 1830 to 2100 for 8 nights over 4 weeks – the exact dates will be confirmed 1 week prior to the course.
If you have any questions or would like any further information please get in touch and we can assist you further.
0800 4 WINGS | [email protected]